

Welcome to BodyMind Living

I am truly excited, grateful, and humbled that you are here with me today because I have a sense that somewhere inside you, you’re feeling called. You’re feeling called to step up to create a better life for you and your family.

You are feeling that inner churning of making an impact in your community and in the lives of people around you. You know that a more equitable and more inclusive world is possible. And there is something inside you that is just whispering… Step up and pave the way.

But here's the challenge

The leadership that we have been shown up until now we know is rooted in disconnection, it is rooted in oppression, it is rooted in separation and it is a top-down approach that we know just doesn’t work.

So here you are, being called to lead, being called to step up, and knowing that the way you are here to serve and contribute to the world isn’t going to look like anything you’ve been taught up until now.

I can relate

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My name is

Laura Wieck

Creator, and Founder of BodyMind Living, Bodymind Coaching Certification Program.

When I graduated college, I wanted to save the coral reefs.

I made my way down to the Bahamas despite my parents ever-loving nudge to get a “real job”.

I spent my days running around the island in mismatched bikinis teaching marine biology, scuba diving, driving skiffs, repairing boats, walking through acres of poisonwood, and felt so alive.

But I also felt that the impact I could make was so small.

It was only after the tragic loss of my friends while living in the Bahamas that my life turned a whole different direction.

I came back home to Ohio, still in shock, and somehow found myself enrolled in massage school. It was there that the loss and grief of my friends settled into my body causing severe hip pain and even though I didn’t know exactly how to make the connection, I could feel it was there.

After I graduated I started to see similar low-level stress and pain in literally everybody I touched and I’m talking EVERY BODY I touched.

And it made me curious.

Laura Wieck, Founder of BodyMind Living and BodyMind Coaching, Personal Development and Holistic Coaching

out to save the world

The Disease of Disconnection

Here I was, out to save the world, out there to do big things and I saw this small inner thing happening inside my massage clients.

I saw every single person I touched wrestling with what a mentor of mine, Phillip Shepard calls “the disease of disconnection.”

I saw how this disconnection we have with the planet influenced how people felt and moved within their bodies.

I saw this disease of disconnection and how it impacted relationships, jobs and communities.

And I saw at the heart of all of this was this disease of disconnection within ourselves.

We have forgotten how to live within ourselves. We have forgotten, or rather, it’s taught out of us, HOW to be present in our own bodies.

And when we’re not able to connect with and live with and be embodied with ourselves, we lose our connection to the earth. We lose our connection and relationships, we create societies and cultural systems that oppress. That disconnect. And I know that there is a better way.

I’m sure you’re sitting there wondering and feeling and having that question of who am I to step up and lead, and as Marianne Williamson says,

Who are you not to?
You are a child of God and our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, our greatest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure.
-Marianne Williamson

I believe that embodiment is a tool for social justice, for change.

I believe that it is WE, the holistic healers and feelers…

… the people who are sensitive…
…the people who have been too much…
… The people who can watch someone walking down the street and see and feel the weight of their stress and their pain, not just in their body but in their heart…

We are the ones who can create the wave of change
our world so desperately needs.

I believe that calling, that whisper that you are sensing is the healing that the earth is literally calling for at this moment in time.

Why We do what we do

BodyMind Living™ exists to ask the questions that are going to allow us to feel into and come back to a deeper sense of connection and a deeper sense of community.

I am so glad that you are here.

I am so excited to explore what it means to be an embodied leader with you.

And I am so excited for the wave of change that we get to create together in living and doing this work.

Welcome to

BodyMind Living™

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